Posts tagged ‘Activate’


Acts 1:8 (NIV) But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

The word “power” used in this verse is the Hebrew word “Dynamis” which means “to be able, power, ability, achieving power.”

When the Holy Spirit came, He gave us power – the achieving power to really fulfill what God is asking us to do.  The Bible says that we are called to do greater works than even Jesus did and because we have Holy Spirit power – that is something we have to achieve.

We have the power to speak, to heal, to cast out demons.  We have the power to love beyond our flesh.  We have the power to change this world for Jesus Christ.  We just have to choose to exercise our power.

For too long, we have held a powerless mindset, a mindset that keeps us victims to our circumstances in our lives.  But we aren’t called to just sit back and watch life happen.  We have POWER (the ability, achieving ability at that) to do something about our circumstances and situations.

You might not have had any power over what happened to you.  But you do have power in how you respond to it.  You are called to be an overcome.  Its within your grasp.

The Bible says:

Luke 10:19 (NASV) Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you.

Matthew 16:19 (NIV) I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

These two verses show that you have power over the enemy.  What you pray carries power.  You have authority in the spirit realm.  You are not powerless.

Some of you have been pushed around long enough by the devil for long enough.  You have been beaten up too long.  It’s time today to choose to take your authority in Christ.  It has to be with His help or you can’t beat it, but all you have to do is CHOOSE IT!  And you can overcome anything and be victorious.  It is your choice.

That anxiety – YOU HAVE POWER OVER IT.  The depression that haunts you – YOU HAVE POWER OVER IT.  Your thought life that has been overtaking you – YOU HAVE POWER OVER IT.  Your bad attitude – YOU HAVE POWER OVER IT.  You have the ability to get out of the rut you are in and be the winner you are called to be.

Don’t expect anything from the Holy Spirit if you aren’t willing to do your part.  You’ve got to activate the power inside of you to get up and do something about your situation.  But when you do – The Holy Spirit comes in and comforts you, aids you, teaches you, and takes you to a whole new place of victory.  You can trust Him.

The power that the Holy Spirit has given us is not some anemic form of mundane Christianity where you having to go through the motions just to get by.  It’s the power to be who you are called to be, do what you are called to do, and overcome everything that tries to come in your way.  Its time that you start using the power that is within you to live the victorious life you are called to live.
