Posts tagged ‘Resolutions’


I had the opportunity to spend some time with my Grandma on Tuesday afternoon.  She is my hero and I treasure the time we get to spend together.  When we get together, we usually sit down and talk about life and God and all that we see Him doing.  During our discussion my Grandma, who is filled with wisdom that I am constantly trying to glean from, said, “the secret of life is self discipline.”  What profound words – so simple yet so deep.

We are at a time of the year when everyone is making new goals and resolutions.  This is a busy time for gyms, for counseling centers, and for churches because everyone is trying to set their priorities and make themselves better.  But why is there a spike of this activity at the beginning of the year and then a drastic decline as the year progresses?  I believe it is because of the “secret of life” that my Grandma shared.  Two simple words that dictate the whole route of our lives – self discipline.

Many of the greats of the Bible were ordinary people like us, yet they exercised great self-discipline when it came to carrying out what God had asked them to carry out.  For example, Noah didn’t quit when the going got tough.  He didn’t stop building the ark when people made fun of him.  He didn’t stop working even though he was sore and tired.  He didn’t let discouragement stop him from getting all of the animals, all of the food, and all of his family on the ark.  He didn’t stop – He had the self -discipline to not only start something but to finish it as well.  He displayed his faith through the discipline of daily getting up and doing what was within his power to do to follow the assignment God had given Him.  And God honored Noah.  Actually, because Noah’s self discipline in obedience – you and I are on this earth today.  What he did affected generations to come.  (Check out the story of Noah in Genesis 6).

So it is with your self-discipline.  What has God called you to do?  Are you doing it?  If you are not, there is no greater time than now to start.  Are you feeling the pressure and strain of the assignment?  Have the self-discipline to keep going knowing that we serve a God who is faithful.  He didn’t give you your assignment just to let you die in an effort to accomplish.  He is a God of completion and He will get you there.  You just have to do your part and not give up.

The secret of life is self-discipline.  Don’t give up when things get hard or when you get tired.  Stay in your Word, keep a heart of worship, love your enemies, be in prayer.  It’s hard work but the rewards will blow your mind.  Have the discipline to finish what God has called you to.  You can do it through His strength. If you have the self-discipline to do what God has called you to, you will see the faithfulness of God move in ways you could have only dreamed.  I know that to be true, not only because I have seen it in my own life, but also because my Grandma said so!!! 🙂

Me and my Grandma 🙂

Pastor Shelly Riker